Wellness & Safety
Wellness and safety programs in place at SJGS help ensure that our students are cared for, and care for each other. Part of a complete education of mind and heart includes learning about how to have healthy minds, bodies, and souls.
Physical Health
In addition to promoting physical health through our physical education and athletics programs, SJGS provides recess time for all students each day. Our large, fenced Parish Green, opened in 2016, provides a safe grass field for children to play soccer, football, and other games. Children make use of our blacktop courtyard for basketball, kickball, foursquare, hopscotch, jumprope, and tag. Our younger grades also make use of our separate playground structure. These spaces become filled with snowmen and snow angles during the winter months!
Of course, with a lot of physical activity comes the occasional skinned knee. SJGS is equipped with a nurses office and a nurse to attend to health issues. In addition to providing basic care and assistance with medications, our nurse maintains health forms and oversees vision and hearing screenings.
Safety & Security
Saint Joseph Grade School takes the safety and security of our students seriously. In accordance with diocesan policy, we work to ensure that all employees and volunteers having contact with our children are screened through the diocesan Safe Environment Program.
We believe it is important to continuously analyze and improve our safety processes and procedures. Routinely throughout the year, our students and staff rehearse a variety of safety drills in order to practice preparedness in case of emergency. Our safety committee meets monthly with local experts to evaluate procedures and make recommendations for our school.