Tuition & Aid


Saint Joseph Grade School and Preschool tuition rates are published each year by April 1.

K-8 Tuition & Aid 2024-25 

Preschool Tuition 2024-25   

Affording a Catholic education may be easier than you think!

Indiana School Choice ScholarshipStudents of Indiana families whose household income is within 400% of Federal Free or Reduced-Price Meals guidelines may qualify to receive an Indiana Choice Scholarship (voucher) to help cover the cost of SJGS tuition.

As an example, a Indiana family of 5 earning $270,692 or less would be eligible for School Choice assistance covering a large portion of SJGS tuition. View the current tuition & aid link above to learn more.

Financial Aid Options (PK-8)

Indiana School Choice Scholarships

Detailed information about Indiana School Choice (voucher) scholarships is available at Families that have been accepted to SJGS that think they may qualify for vouchers should contact Mrs. Carolyn Gibbs at or 574-234-3134, ext. 119, to complete an application.

SJGS Tuition Assistance

Families that have been accepted to SJGS (K-8) that wish to apply for financial aid should complete an application at: This application will give consideration for financial assistance from our tuition assistance fund, our Indiana Tax Credit Scholarship (SGO) fund, and the diocesan Large Family Fund. Applications are due in April so that we may make award decisions in May.

Active Parishioner Expectations

In order to be eligible for Active Parishioner Tuition, a reduced rate for grades K-8 that is subsidized by the parish, a family must be active parishioners, regularly participating in stewardship of prayer, service, and sacrificial giving within the parish. This reduced rate is not based on financial need; the parish helps to fund our educational ministry for active parishioners. An active parishioner:

  1. Is officially registered with the parish and participates in weekly Sunday Mass at Saint Joseph Church.
  2. Is involved in parish ministries, events, and service opportunities through both the school and the church. Active parishioners would be easily recognizable by the pastor or parish staff as being actively involved at the parish.
  3. Participates in regular offertory giving using envelopes or online giving, including pledging in the Annual Bishop’s Appeal and any parish capital campaign. Your financial support of the parish should be in proportion to the way you have been blessed. Those receiving tuition assistance are also asked to contribute what they can on a regular basis.
  4. Is current on tuition payments and all associated school fees. Individual circumstances will be accommodated as possible if they are brought to the attention of the pastor and principal.

New Families

If your family is newly registered at Saint Joseph Church or if you plan to register, you will be asked to provide a letter from your former pastor verifying you are active registered parishioners in good standing.

Any family unable to meet the requirements for active parishioner status will receive the standard rate of tuition, and will have the opportunity to apply for the parish subsidy after a period of six months.

FACTS Payment Management System

Tuition and fees (preschool – 8th) are billed through the FACTS payment management system. After enrollment has been completed in the spring, families will receive an email with a link to create a tuition payment plan through FACTS. Several payment schedule options are available. Families will also be billed separately each month through FACTS for incidental expenses such as optional programs and extracurricular activities (e.g. athletics).

Parents may login to FACTS at:

If you have any questions regarding tuition, FACTS, or financial aid, please contact Mrs. Carolyn Gibbs, Director of Business Operations, at or 574-234-3134, ext. 119.

Indiana School Choice Scholarships

Students of Indiana families whose household income is within 400% of Federal Free or Reduced-Price Meals guidelines may now qualify to receive an Indiana Choice Scholarship (voucher) to help cover the cost of SJGS tuition.

With this expansion, affording a Catholic education at SJGS may be easier than you think. As an example, a family of 5 earning $270,692 or less is likely eligible for School Choice assistance. Visit to learn more about income thresholds.