School Life

“For if we are not animated by the spirit of the saints, the important work of Holy Cross will come to nothing, and our efforts for the sanctification of youth will be vain and useless.” -Blessed Basil Moreau



Inside and outside the classroom, our mission and the five core principals of mind, heart, zeal, family, and hope are fully alive at SJGS. These guiding principles define a Holy Cross education, gather the efforts of our community towards a common purpose, and ultimately shape our students.


The programming, activities, and daily structures that make up our school life add to the richness and uniqueness of the Saint Joseph Grade School experience.

Life at SJGS…

Extracurricular Activities

Enrichment for mind and body, beyond the classroom

Student Leadership

Hearts and minds called to be a model to others

Wellness & Safety

Cared for, and caring for each other

Community & Spirit

Family celebrating each other, with each other