SJGS Eagles Athletics

Athletic Director
Mr. Jeb McNally
Athletics Registration
All boys and girls in 5th – 8th grade are eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for Saint Joseph Grade School. Saint Joseph teams compete in the Inter-City Catholic League (ICCL) with other Michiana Catholic schools.
PLEASE NOTE: because our fall sports begin before the first day of school, it is very important that you complete the sports signup form if your son or daughter plans on participating in a fall sport (football, soccer, softball, cheerleading).
For questions, please contact Jeb McNally at or (574) 210-9087.
About Saint Joseph Grade School Athletics
Saint Joseph Grade School is a member of the Inter-City Catholic League (ICCL) and competes regularly with other schools in the Michiana area.
The mission of the SJGS Athletics Program is to foster a Christian spirit of sportsmanship, fitness, a healthy self-image and the ability to work with others as a team. We accomplish this mission through the collective effort and shared responsibility by all—parents, students, coaches, school staff and parish community.
SJGS encourages both individual and team excellence and presents students of all skill and experience levels with opportunities to develop a Christian spirit of sportsmanship as well as a lifelong interest in fitness and sport.
SJGS teams are expected to be competitive, but the ultimate measure of their success is not found in their victories. Rather, our teams are considered successful when they promote teamwork, skill development, fun, self-discipline, self-control, hard work, commitment, perseverance, respect for self and others, competitive spirit, and character. When a Saint Joseph Grade School team follows the rules, plays hard, and plays as a team, it is a “winner” regardless of the final score.

Season Timeline
Start Date: early August
Championship Game: late October
Diocesan Championship: November
Start Date: early August
Championship Game: late October
Start Date: early August
Start Date: early August
Championship Game: late October
Start Date: early October
Championships: December
Start Date: early November
Varsity Championship: late February
B-Team Championship: mid February
Start Date: early December
Championship Match: late March
Start Date: early January
Varsity Championship: mid March
B-Team Championship: early March
Start Date: mid March
Championship Game: late May
Start Date: mid March
Championship: May
Start Date: mid March
Championship Game: late May
Start Date: mid March
Championship Match: late May